The wooden fort on the Millennium Green has been a landmark for nearly 25 years and has been a much-loved feature of the Millennium Green enjoyed by both adults and children. However, over the past few years the fort has been showing its age and has needed a lot of patching up to keep it in place and to keep it safe. Many of the timber post are rotting at the bottom and the overall structural integrity is degrading.
The Trustees have decided that the time has come to replace the fort with a new feature. As 2025 will mark the 25th Anniversary of the Millennium Green the Trustees feel that it would be appropriate to make the fort replacement a suitable 25th Anniversary Project. The new feature will be the Millennium Green Lookout.
There are lovely long views from the high point occupied by the current fort. After considering various options the Trustees have decided to remove the rotting timber and create a seating area on top of the remodelled mound so that everyone can enjoy the vista. There will be steps through the landscape leading up to the new stone and timber bench which will be circular so that small groups can gather together.

A route will lead on through the landscape to a willow house with openings looking out at varying heights, before connecting back to the existing path. These new features are designed to be long lasting and will age well within the beautiful setting of the Millennium Green.

The Trustees have engaged a landscape firm to carry out the required works. Planning permission for the project was required by B&NES. Planning permission has now been granted and we are working with our contractor to fix a date to start the landscaping work. We anticipate that this will be in Spring 2025 so that the project is complete by the 25th Anniversary of the Millennium Green in June 2025.
The Trustees have estimated that the cost of this project will be c.£20,000. The Trust gets no financial support from local or national government, and we have always been reliant on the generous financial support from our supporters to maintain the Millennium Green. To make this project a reality we welcome donations from all our supporters and from everyone who enjoys the wonderful environment of the Millennium Green.
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